The truth about Whooping Cough outbreaks

Note: The linked article is very heavily referenced with scientific research. There is a video “Cliff’s Notes” version of the article can be found on YouTube.


Let’s talk about those whooping cough outbreaks, shall we?

And while we’re at it, can we talk about DTaP? The Diptheria,Tetanus and acellular Pertussis vaccine? We have to. Because that’s what’s causing the outbreaks. I’m betting at this point 98% of those on the pro-vaccine side have stopped reading. It astounds me how many people have made up their minds, and they seem to think they “know” everything there is to know about the whooping cough outbreaks and DTaP/TDaP vaccines. I could be wrong about this, but it appears that many listen to Paul Offit as if he is a “prophet,” and they don’t feel the need to think for themselves or look further. When we are talking about science, and the human body, I just don’t see how we can ever say there is nothing left to learn. The fact that we never know everything there is to know is the basis of scientific inquiry – and that includes science that influences the medical decision-making process. For those who are still with me, thanks for sticking around and for being brave enough to use your own intellect and the discernment God gave you. Here we go…


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