Coming Through The Fog author Tami Goldstein was featured in WKOW-TV story about immunizations and many parents’ decisions to opt-out.
From WKOW:
A number of parents across the state of Wisconsin are still continuing to opt out of Immunization shots.
Public Health of Madison and Dane County found that 4.3 percent of Wisconsin students have been opted out of required shots this year. That number, however, has been stable for the first time in 10 years.
“That’s very encouraging to us because that means more kids are being immunized,” said Public Health Immunization Coordinator Diane McHugh.
But parents like Tami Goldstein still believe in their right to opt out if they question their safety.
“I want informed information on vaccines, I want safe vaccines,” said Goldstein. “If it’s my option to opt out of a vaccine, it’s my option.”