Tami’s Interview with Examiner.com

Tami was recently interviewed by Tracee Gleichner of Examiner.com regarding her writing style and the process she went through while writing “Coming Through The Fog.”

Here are a few select questions and answers:

On how she came up with the book title:

This is how we came up with the title of the book. Heather had a bad day at work and was telling me about it. She felt bad because of conversation amongst some co-workers and she said to me, “I wish I was still in a fog because then I wouldn’t know they were talking about me.” She felt like she was in a fog hence, Coming Through the Fog.

On what inspires her writing:

My daughter Heather inspired me to write. To see her overcome such obstacles, medically, educationally and socially in order to achieve functioning recovery, I had to share it with others.

Read the entire interview here.