Category Archives: Vaccination Information

The CDC whistleblower is not debunked!

The CDC whistleblower has federal immunity and we are awaiting the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee to schedule hearings.

Message from The Canary Party:

It is time for us to write to Jason Chaffetz, the new Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, to respectfully request that he move forward with holding hearings on Dr. William Thompson’s admission that he participated in the cover up of links between vaccines and autism at the Centers for Disease Control.

We have learned from Dr. Thompson that a causal link between autism in black boys and the MMR vaccine, when given before age of three, was suppressed by CDC “higher-ups.”. Through the use of a collection of unethical statistical tricks, these senior officials at CDC chose to publish “reassuring” findings when the honest result of their analysis showed clear links between early vaccination with MMR and autism risk, both in African American boys and children with “isolated” (meaning normal in all other respects) autism.

Members of Congress have spent many months reviewing the documents that Dr. Thompson turned over, debating which committee had proper jurisdiction in the matter, and have settled on OGR. Now we begin the process of holding OGR to the task of investigating this 15-year-long national scandal in depth.

Please write to Congressman Chaffetz and request that he schedule hearings soon. Please be respectful in your communications, let Rep. Chaffetz and other committee members know that you are following this story very closely, and that your expectation is that OGR is going to keep the pressure on CDC to reveal the truth and to take the matter with the seriousness and urgency that it requires. Only OGR is positioned to expose and remedy the corruption in our nation’s vaccine program.

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The truth about Whooping Cough outbreaks

Note: The linked article is very heavily referenced with scientific research. There is a video “Cliff’s Notes” version of the article can be found on YouTube.


Let’s talk about those whooping cough outbreaks, shall we?

And while we’re at it, can we talk about DTaP? The Diptheria,Tetanus and acellular Pertussis vaccine? We have to. Because that’s what’s causing the outbreaks. I’m betting at this point 98% of those on the pro-vaccine side have stopped reading. It astounds me how many people have made up their minds, and they seem to think they “know” everything there is to know about the whooping cough outbreaks and DTaP/TDaP vaccines. I could be wrong about this, but it appears that many listen to Paul Offit as if he is a “prophet,” and they don’t feel the need to think for themselves or look further. When we are talking about science, and the human body, I just don’t see how we can ever say there is nothing left to learn. The fact that we never know everything there is to know is the basis of scientific inquiry – and that includes science that influences the medical decision-making process. For those who are still with me, thanks for sticking around and for being brave enough to use your own intellect and the discernment God gave you. Here we go…


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The CDC’s Role in Undoing Vaccine Exemptions: The NACCHO Front Group


Originally published under the title: “What’s NACCHO got to do with Oregon’s vaccine exemption fight

NACCHO? It sounds like a bad acronym from an Austin Powers movie. But it is actually one of the most powerful anti-vaccine choice front groups in the country, whose primary funder appears to be the CDC. 


It sounds like a bad acronym from an Austin Powers movie.

What/who the heck is NACCHO?

NACCHO is The National Association of County and City Health Officials. If you briefly perused their website, you might be confused into thinking that they were a federal agency of sorts. First off, there’s the name. Many people associate “National Association” with something sort of official. The next thing that might throw you off is the way NACCHO describes themselves:

NACCHO’s members are the 2700 local health departments across the United States. NACCHO’s vision is health, equity, and security for all people in their communities through public health policies and services. NACCHO’s mission is to be a leader, partner, catalyst, and voice for local health departments in order to ensure the conditions that promote health and equity, combat disease, and improve the quality and length of all lives.

For the uninitiated, reading NACCHO’s self-description might cause you to reach the following conclusions:

  • NACCHO is a federal organization

  • Its members are all the local health departments

  • Somehow, this is a way for all the local health departments to all be connected together, probably there is a rule somewhere that says they should all coordinate themselves on a national basis (and there isn’t, the health of citizens is a state-level job, according to the U.S. Constitution)

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Shocking Report from Medical Insiders


F. William Engdahl (NEO) : A shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of the Lancet recently published a statement declaring that a shocking amount of published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false, as in, fraudulent.

Horton declared, “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”

To state the point in other words, Horton states bluntly that major pharmaceutical companies falsify or manipulate tests on the health, safety and effectiveness of their various drugs by taking samples too small to be statistically meaningful or hiring test labs or scientists where the lab or scientist has blatant conflicts of interest such as pleasing the drug company to get further grants. At least half of all such tests are worthless or worse he claims. As the drugs have a major effect on the health of millions of consumers, the manipulation amounts to criminal dereliction and malfeasance.

The drug industry-sponsored studies Horton refers to develop commercial drugs or vaccines to supposedly help people, used to train medical staff, to educate medical students and more.

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Bolen Report uncovers ‘Mercky’ truth about mandatory vaccine legislation

A recent article posted by consumer advocate Tim Bolen on his website exposes Mandatory Vaccine Legislation, like California’s SB277, as “a last ditch effort to save a totally worthless project .”

From the article:

In 2011 I was writing about scientific researcher Brian Hooker PhD’s fight with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for withholding public information he, and every American citizen, is entitled to under the US Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). Brian Hooker had been investigating the five so-called “studies” the CDC claims prove that Thimerosal in vaccines does not cause Autism nor neurological disorders. He was being stonewalled for good reason, for his information was beginning to show the pattern of dishonesty – and the simple fact that vaccines, do indeed, cause autism and other health issues.

Read the full article at the Bolen Report…

“WHISTLEBLOWER!!!!!” presentation by Dr. Brian Hooker


Dr. Brian Hooker’s first public lecture presentation following the now-famous appearance of a CDC whistleblower is recorded here at the AutismOne/THRiiiVE conference of August 29, 2014. Dr. Hooker, a biochemist whose excellent reanalysis of CDC data using the CDC’s own methodology indicated a significant and troubling association between the MMR and autism that was previously obscured by the CDC, presented his lecture “Whistleblower.”

Vaccines: An attorney’s viewpoint

This very interesting and thought-provoking article recently was posted on the State of the Nation website. The following disclaimer precedes the article:

SOTN Editor’s Note:
The following exposé on vaccine safety and their inherent dangers is noteworthy because it is written by a Washington State attorney who really understands the profound legal ramifications. James Deal, J.D. wastes no time in completely deconstructing the many false assertions that are routinely presented by those government and corporate entities promoting a Super-Vaccination agenda.

More importantly, Attorney Deal furnishes the American people with the substantive legal arguments which can serve as the basis for lawsuits against both the Pharmaceutical Industry and the U.S. Federal Government.  When considered in the aggregate, the implicit points of law delineated below constitute a legal foundation for a clear-cut criminal indictment.  Great harm is being inflicted on the children throughout the country by mandatory, state-sponsored vaccination programs.

No entity under the sun has the right or lawful authority to arrogate power unto itself to harm or injure, sicken or infect, paralyze or kill the people of this nation.  Not only is such conduct by the state a serious breach of the social contract, it represents a profound violation of the public trust.  Vaccination programs therefore break the inviolable bond between the citizenry and the government.

Read the full post at State of the Nation …

Mandatory Vaccine Laws vs. Legal Challenges has posted an article quoting an NYU professor regarding legal challenges to mandatory vaccine laws across the U.S.

From the article:

As Health Impact News has recently reported, there is a national push to remove vaccine exemptions for school-aged children, and new laws and regulations are being proposed all across the U.S. for mandatory vaccinations.

So what are the legal challenges to now legislating mandatory vaccinations to a population that no longer has the right to legal redress against the manufacturer of potentially faulty vaccine products that are known to maim and kill people? Is it Constitutional to remove the right to informed consent, and the right to refuse such a product if it is administered by force?

I asked Mary Holland, a research scholar and professor at NYU School of Law to address that question.

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