As this story unfolds it provides useful tips to other parents to help them on their journey with their child. This story is notable because this mother’s daughter was successful overcoming numerous obstacles while providing useful tools, inspiration and hope to others.
Exotic places, I use to be a travel agent and have traveled around the world.
In my spare time, I ….
. travel, read, swim in the summer.
One thing I learned about life was …..
If you dream it, you can make it a reality
The sole mission I am on this earth is to …..
Bring awareness of the benefits of Sensory Integration, CranioSacral therapy and Bio-Medical supports as key tools in achieving Functioning Recovery from Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Together mother and daughter learned from their OT how a Sensory Diet, CranioSacral Therapy, and Bio-Medical Therapies can lead to Functioning Recovery. Tami navigated the public school environment and the medical community to get the right support for Heather, who overcame many obstacles.
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Tami’s book, “Coming Through The Fog,” recently was reviewed on the Bookend Chronicles blog. Here’s a glimpse of what they had to say:
The pain, anger and frustration in Tami’s writing comes through loud and clear. Though she gives valuable advice as she continues to walk the reader through the tumultuous path of a decidedly set institution, it’s absolutely astounding that the system continued to fail Heather.